Who we are: Pentangle Team

Some may call us ‘geeks’, but we prefer to be aficionados of everything to do with being online. So, to give you flavour here are just a few of the Pentangle team and what we love both when working and when not!

Alun Rowe

What Alun doesn’t know about being online probably isn’t worth knowing anyway! A long term part of Pentangle and now the Director and Owner, Alun started out as a web developer and has a vast depth of expertise in IT systems and business development. This is everything from web and intranet services to consultancy on IT systems, software and hardware (plus a love of music, skateboarding and having fun!).

Specialties: HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, mySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, MS Access

Becca Burrows

A linchpin at Pentangle, Becca has been with the business for over 6 years. Avid about digital design and what can be achieved online, she is extremely creative. Combined with a constant eye on a website’s look and feel, and great attention to detail, Becca creates dynamic, user-friendly websites that truly work. And that is when she is not crafting to her heart’s content or chilling out with her cats.

Specialities: Web Design, WordPress, WooCommerce, CSS, HTML

Ashlee Saunders

Known for many talents, Ashlee adds an additional dynamic to the team. Her ability to turn her hand to any aspect of digital and online development, means she has become an integral part of Pentangle. Her love of PC gaming means she is in good company; and when that is not occupying her time she converts her attention to calmer activities like reading and crochet.

Specialties: HTML, CSS, PHP, WordPress, jQuery

Tom Bishop

Specialties: PHP, Laravel, jQuery

Mohammed-Yousuf Hamid

Specialties: JavaScript, WordPress, PHP, Laravel

Reliable, approachable, cost effective, straight talking

Whether you are just starting out in business and need help getting going or you are an established brand looking to take your sites and services to the next level our team can help you find the right solution for you.  We’ll talk to you in plain English and help you understand exactly what you need.

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